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Default 06-29-2004, 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by Arkan
I agree somewhat of what you said but.....

I believe there were WMD's in Iraq before we invaded. Saddam had plenty of time to move them elsewhere. Being there is such a sticky topic because nothing of great value was found there, but speaking to friends who spent months in Iraq, they claim most Iraqi's are happy we're there. They just want to go to work and make money to support their families. The news harps all over the minorities who cause the trouble for the troops over there. Hopefully for everyone's sake, a stable government can be established and the people of Iraq can police themselves.
yep, I think he had them too. C'mon, how are you going to find some plutonium in a whole damn country? You can easily carry that stuff away in a pedestrian's vehicle and not cause a scene. It is like finding a needle in a haystack.

When they searched, did they not already have a schedual of where and when a place was going to be searched for WMD's? I might be wrong, but i thought there was a schedual released. If that was the case, it makes it 10000 times easier to hide and transport materials.

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