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[zErO]Cool is Offline
Posts: 48
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-22-2002, 12:55 AM

cheers guys for the feedback, let me see.. to answer your question about the wolf gibs.....ITS BLOODY HARD!! i'm trying and trying, but the anims for the wolf gibs and the anims for the deaths on MOH r different formats <so its a bit fubar> erm and to answer the guy about the smoke gren and prone its mainly for benefit in MULTIPLAYER I didnt even think to put it in sp, but I'm sure that would add another month to it, so I wont bother with it at the moment. BTW you guys can read my review in these forums should be on the first gen discussion page . dont kill me, I just thought the game needed a good slating ! it has too many good reviews. And dont be mistaken I LOVE THE GAME

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