FFS - It's not that I can't read the words and understand who said what, it's that you messed up the quoting and now it's all fucked up so it doesn't flow like a proper argument should - it's all over the place and would take more time than I care to give to unravel it all and put it in the right order for a rebuttle.
I will make a few points where I can:
Originally Posted by ShagNasty
2: The belt way sniper was a coward and an idiot. I think we can all see that now right?
I never said he wasn't. My argument was that it took skill to do what they did, and to evade the police for as long as they did. I never condoned it like you're insinuating above.
Originally Posted by ShagNasty
The belt way thing you were saying how skillfull he was and so smart not to get caught.
The irony is he got caught by the stupidest mistake.
.....Of course he was bound to make a mistake, you're not looking at it from where we were.
You can't say you won that argument. As for the Michael Jackson one, I can't even remember that, so I'm not going to get into that.
Originally Posted by ShagNasty
Ohh and I admit I am not a pro like you with all the quotes and shit I don’t do this for a living.
I don't do this for a living either..... oOo:
Originally Posted by ShagNasty
Isn’t the USA know for being the most violent country in the world, well the civilized world, and don’t you relise that most crime happened in the ghetto aka project aka low income housing. So yeah I can be pretty certain I lived in a more violent place than you.
No you can't. Just because statistics and surveys say that your COUNTRY is more violent overall than mine, it doesn't mean you grew up in a more violent area.
Until you visit my the area I grew up in and see it for yourself, you can't make a solid statement like that.
.....Not that this argument is relevant at all.... oOo:
Originally Posted by ShagNasty
PS: if racism is what you thought it was we would all be racist. You know every culture and how they live, of course not.
You've mis-read my post.
[quote:05f16]ac•ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)
1:The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

iscrimination or prejudice based on race.[/quote:05f16]
Here is two definitions you posted. The first one (Number 1), is the one I've been refering too.
NOT the 2nd one.....You still with me?......and I still stand by that belief that you are racist under that definition.