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Default 06-29-2004, 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by Trunks
Originally Posted by Pyro
Nobody said they would be unwilling to protect their country, only that they would be unwilling to be forced into it. Personally, I would definitely join up if my country was under threat of invasion and it was TRULY for the sake of defense. But personally, I have no interest in laying down my life just to remove some petty tyrant on a far off shore. If the cause is just, the people will fight for it of their own free will, and you can't ask people to lay down their lives if they aren't convinced that their lives are really being valued.
Alright, I didnt read this whole thread, I got up to page 5 and then I got bored, can you blame me? Anyway, guys I think you should stop jumping down pyros throat. He tried to start a nice, intelligent, and mature thread with you guys and a lot( not all) of you guys are screwing it up. Pyro, I believe that you are right. Nobody should be able to put a price on anybodys life. If and when the cause is just, and the stability and safety of the country in which you live in are at stake, people will willingly commit themselves to the millitary in an effort to save their country, from tyranny and oppression. Alright, I may have gotten a bit dramatic at the end but you guys should be able to get where Im going.
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