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Default 02-23-2002, 11:35 AM

Most people are not Racist. A real Racist never shows his true colors, especially in a video game. These are just people who like to piss other people off. Most of the time, if someone comes on a server with an offensive name like "Nigger", he probably is black, trying to stir up up some trouble for fun. Here's a scenario, two white guys - one is balding, the other is not -walk down a street; they bump eachother and a fight ensues. The Guy with the full hair calls the bald one a "bald bastard". Is the guy with the full hair a bigot towards bald people? Here's another scenario: Two guys - one white, the other black - walk down a street; theybump eachother. A fight ensues. White guy calls black guy Nigger...White guy must obviously be racist, right? Point I am trying to make is people tend to see the outside appearnce of someone. And when anger transpires, one cannot help to use offensive language towards the other person's appearance. This does not mean that a person who yells offensive language at someone's race is conspiring to destroy an entire people. The real racist is the one who does not hire a Black person for a job positon, not because he does not like his skin color, but for the fact he thinks his intelligence is inferior because of his origins in Africa. Those are the real racists. Dont get worked up on a server. Most of the time its a stupid kid trying to make himself laugh at his own boring life.
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