Well this is gay i just got banned for kicking too much ass!
These 2 clan members wee hosting a FFA server but they were going around as a team. 1 of them was pretty good and in first place. I started out sucking but went after the first place guy again and again, killing him often, and slowly i worked myself into first place. Then suddenly i was disconnected. I went to gayspy and tried to reconnect, but as soon as the level loaded it said "server disconnected". I tried again the same thing. I think this means i was suddenly banned with no warnings.
Either he wants to be first on his server or he thought i was cheating somehow but it was 1.1 and i don't even think there are cheats.
I think his name was "UC_medic" or something like that, too bad he was pretty good, and fun to play against.
[This message has been edited by lysis (edited February 24, 2002).]