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Default 02-24-2002, 12:24 AM

Racism is a false premise, commited by people who are ignorant of the facts. There is only one race, to which we all belong, the Human Race. The only difference between a black person, and a white person is, the white persons ancestors left Africa before the black persons. The human race evolved in Africa, go back far enough and we are all Africans. You don't even need to go that far back. Science has shown us that approximately 70,000 years ago the human race was close to extinction, at most there were 74,000 people, at least, 3,000. I know this sounds convoluted but what it means is there is genetically almost no difference between us all. In fact, genetic studies have shown that there is much more genetic difference between, different families of mountain gorillas living on the same mountain, than there is between an Australian aborigine, and an Inuit. We are all basically the same, only fearful, ignorant people, abuse someone because of their colour or religion (or lack of religion), or culture. I say fearful because, unfortunately, there are some people who are afraid of anyone who isn't like them. I say ignorant because these same people don't understand (or want to understand) that there is no difference, only a perceived difference. That is why it is always important to speak out against bigoted comments or acts; to change perceptions. It has been said that, if you hear the same thing over and over, it starts to become true. This is why bigotry has flourished, the only way to end it, is to speak out against it, wherever it is, over and over. Never just walk away from a bigot, tell them what you know to be true. Plant a seed of doubt in their confused minds. If enough people tell them they're wrong, maybe, in time they'll come to see, that they are wrong. Its a long road, but the sooner we start down the road, the sooner we come to the roads end; respect and acceptance of all people.
Some of you will no doubt think this is very long winded, and it is. But it's something I feel very strongly about, so I make no apologies. Thank you for your time.
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