Welcome Himmler

These 2 games although similar in period are completely different. Both look outstanding, and I'll be getting both. One game is fantasy, more arcade and quakish. The other is trying to get all elements correct, being as authentic as possible and believable. Make your own assumptions from that. One (MoH:AA)is clearly going for a Realistic approach which it is doing brilliantly, RtCW on the other hand is going for, what I make of it, just a nice looking shooter based in the WW2 period/genre where alot fantasy has been implemented. I'm not saying one is better than the other, just that many people may not appreciate the fact that zombies and undead are against you in RtCW when in MoH you have believable, realistic enemies. From what I've seen of RtCW, Medal of Honor is looking alot more pleasing to the eye.
Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to War and my fingers to fight.