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Pictures from my trip to europe
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Default Pictures from my trip to europe - 07-05-2004, 08:24 AM

Okay guys, there's about 81 pictures I believe. Unless I can't do 3x27.

Here's the way to them:

this is a personal one that I liked: ... 016-6A.jpg
(this picture is looking down most of the entire camp. The building at the end was the 'main' building. Those trees were all planted by the prisoners themselves. You can see where all the barracks used to be, all that is left is their foundations, except 2, that you can see near the end of the pic.)

Here's another personal favorite: ... 30-13A.jpg
(Arbeit Macht Frei. Those sick nazi bastards put this on the gate that the prisoners had to look at every day. It means work will set you free...)

The pictures are kind of big, but look better at like 50%.

Camera 3 is the one with most the pictures from Dachau. The ones inside the buildings of course didn't turn out well. They look like someone applied the noise filter to them. But that makes them all the more creepy anyway. It has the shower room.. the ovens.. and all that scary stuff.

If you have a question about any of the pictures (that turned out) put the link up and ask me.
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