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Default 07-05-2004, 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":9c949
+ let the japenses build a muscle v8 of their own, it would eat the living shit out of anything. THey just haven't done it yet. In japan their is a unwritten rule between the major auto makers, no car built with more then 276 HP stock, although it is done with a few. All im saying is if the japenese ever built muscle, it would own the lving shit out of every AMerican muscle car out.
There will never be a Japanese muscle car...1. Muscle cars stopped around 1973...2. Muscle cars are about putting BIG Naturally aspirated engines in relative cars, Ricers are putting BIG spoilers on small hatchbacks and putting Nitrous Oxide to raise horsepower for 3 second which can blow your engine, Nitrous Oxide is for pussies...3. Japanese cars don't have V8s and never will with all this environment shit going on you dumb shit[/quote:9c949]

Wow.. Ever heard of export or foreign markets?

Then again, who gives a flying fuck?

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