07-05-2004, 10:32 AM
That guy laughing in the pic's has me rolling !! Funny dude.
As for rice, i only saw ONE car, ONE fucking rice car that i actually liked. To be honest, i couldn't tell you what make it was but it didn't have all those stupid ass body panels or worthless wings on it. It was very low-keyed without those bling bling rims and the best part about this car that made it stand out was..............it didn't sound like my fuckin' lawn mower. This car sounded throaty, almost like it had an 8 in it. All rice should've been modeled after this car.
Oh, wanna talk about funny? I passed a couple of "neon lighted" ricers at 110mph in a MINIVAN!! Those fuckers got beat by a soccer mom car...BUWAHAAHAHA !!
The world is my urinal