If I had a choise I would not buy a dodge or a gmc or anything from north america. Instead I would prefer a
Lotus Elise
mercedes (yes i hate to say id actully want one but this one kicks ass)
Aston Martin DB9
http://www.thecarfanatics.com/images/as ... db9_01.jpg
I recomend to anyone who likes cars to try watching a british show called Top Gear. If you have never seen it you are relly missing out. It puts NA car shows such as car & driver to absolute shame, If you feel like trying it out I recomend you try the May 16th, 2004 episode of top gear, it should give you a basic idea of what the shows is about. Fairly big downloads (300mb) but by far worth it. this is the site that you download them from, it requires bit torrent to download the episodes