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Default 07-07-2004, 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by Zoner
For fuck sakes. rolleyes:

"Oh, I don't want my Jimmy playing those violent video games. He might grow up and serial-kill my ass while I sleep. I'm gonna make a petition!"

Newsflash: If you don't want your kids playing violent video games, don't buy them the $250 fucking Xbox, you twit! They aren't gonna buy it on their own with their broke asses. $5 a week doesn't add up too quickly.

Parents need to stop using electronic babysitters and take an active role in their kid's life. Fuck it, RENT the violent games and play them WITH yer kid. Explain to them that this is make-believe and that behaviour like this is not cool in real life. If that doesn't work, tell them that this kind of behaviour in real life will get them sodomized by a 6'4" latino from Cellblock D named Aurillio.

...and Tipper Gore can STILL go suck a fat cock. Blackie Lawless told me to say so.
Dee Snyder told me to tell her to sucka dead cock oOo:
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