hey guys
Just thought I'd drop in and say 'Is that guy still going on about this blummin bagalores mod?' I told him I was busy, I'm making it now, Version 3.0 of my mod is finished but not quite ready. He's obsessed about the bangerlores mod!! jesus pleasus! BTW it will never look like the bangers exploding because the grenade explosion animation is just 6 frames long and the bangalores explosion is 17 frames long, SO TO END A RATHER LONG DISCUSSION THAT STARTED MONTHS AGO, IT WILL LOOK SH*TE! sorry to dissapint you Dustin m8 but maybe now you will shaaaataaaaap! I'm not saying I'm giving up, But I have more Sh*t to do than make mods all day, I have a life. So take a chill pill and maybe someone will make the pistol whip explode like the v2 rocket! (sh*t I really shouldnt have said that huh!)