Originally Posted by Efilnikufesin
Originally Posted by Pyro
don't see how any real fan of jason or freddy would ever think freddy vs jason is one of the best.
That's because he isn't a true fan
Who ME?
Quiz me, motherfucker. I dare you.
As for FvJ, it was a hoot, but it wasn't my favourite. As a fan of both series, it was gold to see both icons on the big screen. Jeezus, they coulda been playing cribbage, for chrissakes, and I still woulda went 3-4 times to see it.
By the way, the FvJ DVD is one of the best one I own for technical specs...sound/video quality, extras...it rocks. My buddy who's an uber audiophile, loves to rock that DVD on his home theatre. I swear that guys hears things that dogs don't...heh.