[quote="Pick Axe":0eed8][quote=Pyro]
Originally Posted by "Pick Axe":0eed8
Sounds like he faked kidnapping to cover his desertion. If they can prove it, won't he be executed?
Bush wasn't executed for going AWOL during the Vietnam War...[/quote:0eed8]
[I know you're just trying to get me mad, but it worked]
WTF>??!?!? Bush didn't go AWOL. Or, if he did, there's no proof. All that was was libral propaganda. Just because they interviewed his old CO and the old guy said he couldn't remember him being there, our wonderful demos went off on the AWOL thing. It makes me sick.[/quote:0eed8]
The conservative media got all over Clinton's back for the same type of allegations about going AWOL. Don't act like only liberals portray things wrong. It's their right to investigate it.