02-25-2002, 11:16 AM
Let me remind you folks how big "Curling" is in Canada. No, not the exercise. The sport of sliding rocks across ice while your friends make themselves look stupid while trying to pilot it with brooms.
As for the Iran Soldier guy... well... Iran didn't fight in WW2. And if your in-game name really IS Iran Soldier, then maybe you should not use a picture of Omaha beach where American soldiers died as your signature. It doesn't keep with the whole "America is filled with capitalist pig-dogs" theme you got going over there.
Also, I'd like to say that Americans tend to suck just as much as any other country. Sure, we don't crash planes into buildings, but our government leaders think its ok to drill for Oil in wildlife sanctions. And at least 60 percent of the population is bum-fucking retarded.
Remember: I'm not racist, I hate everyone. Equal opportunity discrimation, I always say.