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Default 07-12-2004, 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by "Gerard":f82e0
Originally Posted by "Nyck":f82e0
Originally Posted by "Gerard":f82e0
Originally Posted by "Nyck":f82e0
you cant be bothered to sign on to a chat program and cyber fuck pyro and bucks mouth, but you can be bothered to responded back constantly on this forum oOo:

Duh cause i was replying to this thread when all this shit started or did you conveniently miss that fact. oOo:
with replies of no...I cant be bothered offtopic: plzdie: and other assorted bullshits

Quick one aren't ya, and last i checked this had fuck all to do with you so stfu and go watch some nascar tapes and chew some tobbaco or some shit.
Only after you go dig me up some potatos, drink some booze, then write a poem about the death of a blade of grass, whilst blowing on bagpipes[/quote:f82e0]

1. Don't like potato's
2. Don't drink
3. Poetrys gay
4. Bagpipes = mainly scottish instrument
5 STFU[/quote:f82e0]


1. dont have nascar tapes
2. not a redneck
3. dont chew or smoke

You dont like anuthing gerv...just end it all do yourself a favor

1. sleeping:
2. sleeping:
3. sleeping:

Go back to playing your modded (easier to kill mode) cod. sleeping: oOo:[/quote:f82e0]

Just got done playing...plz go back to guarding your pot of gold
jaksun sniper[/quote:f82e0]

Best comeback evur!!!!1 oOo: rolleyes:

And on that note time for bed since reading nycks tired replies (which for a change are devoid of his usual overuse of l33t sp34k) are sending me to sleeping:[/quote:f82e0]

Goodnight...wait isnt it like 6 am over there...fuckin vampire you are!

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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