Originally Posted by Hobbes
Originally Posted by fujimi7su
9600xt = 140 bucks
if not
ti-4200 will run all modern games and is cheap as hell.
dont buy a 5200... please and theres no way you can run cod maxed out on a mx440.. i have one and it runs cod 20 fps in safe mode.
I'm running a Ti 4200 at moment with a P4 1.8 512k cache 533 FSB and a gig of ram.
I average a 120 fps in cod with the ocasional dip into the 70 on Hurtgen, Carentan I will hit 180 fps.
I've had no probelm playing DVDs on it.
I am looking at upgrading to a P4 2.8 512k cache 533 FSB and a Nvidia FX 5700 Ultra.
If you are going to get a P4 2.8, get the 800 FSB w/ HT, you wont be paying more than 20$ extra, and for another 20$ on that u can get a 1MB cache