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Default 02-27-2002, 09:53 AM


About frags showing up all in a row in the kills section...I've killed 6 people with one grenade once in V2 Rocket Facility and it showed as me killing 3 then someone else's kill and then my other 3. In the split second in between my kills, someone else killed someone and separated my kills. I'm not saying that this is what happened in spiewalk's case, but it is possible to have the kills separated and not bunched up like you said.

And BTW, that skilled rocket user that consistently got high scores was probably me. People always rag on the rocket launcher saying that it takes no skill to operate but I have spent a lot of time honing my skills and have made it a legitimate weapon. It is difficult to aim while running from a distance but I have gotten much better at it. I only use the weapon when I am either really tired or really bored but I can use it very effectively. Even to the point where everyone else starts using them because they are so frustrated.

I do understand that there are some idiots out there that just shoot others at point blank and THAT does not take skill. But to say that everyone uses that weapon the same way is pretty pretentious.

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