02-28-2002, 04:30 AM
A good bazooka-soldier knows how to fire a granade which will hit a moving enemy, a hiding sniper and of course a another bazooka enemy. He also knows how to move when he see a enemy granade coming towards him (move, reload and fireback through the enemy smoke). When he has come to the point when he doesn't have any granades left he takes his handganades out and throws them, one by one, just like he would shoot a bazookagranade and his highes goal should be:destroy the enemy and save your commrades. And when the handgranades are out he takes his pistol out and uses it like he would use the other weapons before, carefully and when the round is over your name should be on top. Respect to the bazookasoldier, the sniper and all the rest of you cause without you guys there wouldn't be any SKILL at all to talk about.