Originally Posted by TonyMontana
Originally Posted by CR1MiNaL
hmm, you're post shouts ignorance. I don't skate to fit in or be cool, in fact, being cool would mean quitting skateboarding because lately not many people around here do it anymore. The cool thing would to be a forum whore and spend my days on allied assault forums!! rock:
die plz, and change your sig..Make it under 100kb. You were already told before
im allset on dying, it'll happen someday, however, where did you already tell me to change my sig?
and to comatose, i joined 7-8 months before you did on this forum, but because your post count is double mine you're opinions must be more logical than mine? i can reply how i see fit and no where in my posts did they interpret anything ban-worthy.... Did the Ban Me in my location throw you off?