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Default 02-25-2002, 01:17 AM

Since i dont play German so often, i cant tell if the German side i sexperiencing the same crap. I saw u had German colours on your picture. How is it over there? Any Allied traitor activity over there? As i am experiencing with some Germans?
I dont konw if u misunderstood my writing or something, i dont draw my sniper rifle to my shoulder before my opponent does, i like to measure weapon against weapon, thats what measures the skills to the individual on the battlefield in Medal of Honour. I like close encounters, thats what makes the game action packed. But as i said, i like snipe wars to, thats make the game a bit more creepy and sneaky. But where is the fun in spawning as German just to kill Germans in a false way? i dont know, will never ever do.
I respect my opponent, and i salute those that get my ass kicked in a honourable way. Isnt that how we all should behave?
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