02-26-2002, 05:39 AM
"I have known a few People from germany for many years and I would definately not associate the modern day German with a NAZI." Quote : WarPig@work
Why bring it up then?? Yes the germans of the 1930's and 40's might have been the ones to start the Nazi party, but who is to say that the Nazi party would have came to power in another country given a leader with the Zeal and ambition to do it. Im not gonna get into the political and economic realities of the 20's and 30's in Germany but if you have read a history book you should know that alot of factors went into WW2 and now that it is over, we in this generation must acept it and understand it not blame and hate.
(Sorry Its really really off topic just had to give my $.02)
Im goin sniper huntin 2day............where is my KAR98K,