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Default 07-18-2004, 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by Buggy
Originally Posted by Eames
they should change the year cause they didnt have revolvers or winchester rifles in 1835 oOo:
They didn't? oOo:
the winchester repeating rifle as we know it, the classical western model wasnt developed untill around 1870, repeating rifles were used to a minor extent by union calvary in the last few years of the civil war. and colt didnt even submit his design for the first revolver to the patent office untill 1836 and the gun didnt really start catching on untill the 1840's. and then theres the common since factor that there was no "wild west" in 1835 this is only 30 years after lewis and clark were the first americans to make it to the pacific, the wild west as we know it didnt really exist untill after the civil war, but the first serious western migration wasnt untill the gold rush of 1849, i have no idea were they pulled 1835 from...
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