07-18-2004, 06:22 AM
I don't see how I have so many yes votes, yet everyone almost everyone in the thread is saying lets not ban him even though his political sense is annoying. I say a mod fucked with those results.]
I see your trying to silence me once again TGB. When ever the political discussions get heated, or if I make a valid point, you turn to saying its stupid then you get your band of goons (mindless ones at that) Coleman, Levin stein, Tripper, to come into that thread and type in capitals OWNED. Really, who should be the one banned ? I only make a couple of conservative jokes at no ones expense, you take them so seriously which is your own fault. I see tons of jokes in threads or comments, and just because you take offense to some stupid comment is no reason to ban me really.
Liberalism in a sense is no real threat but only ways of evolving society. If you find helping your fellow man a "bad" thing then it only proves once more again the power of the corporate media machine and the garbage it has spun into your brain.
PS STatic & strvs i luv you guyz. i blwo kisses to you both.