02-25-2002, 04:28 AM
What I would REALLY like to be doing as an Axis player is to be shredding with the MG42's as the Allies run up the beach, but since Allied snipers make using them impossible for longer than 2 seconds, I simply load up my scoped rifle too and discourage them from wanting to continue sniping.
There have been many times where I was cussed out BY ALLIED CAMPERS bitching that they can't advance up the beach because I'm sniping back at them.
Funny, I have no problems moving up the beach as an Ally when I have the sniper rifle on my hands. HOWEVER, the difference between me and those wussies is I ALWAYS move up the beach while picking off Axis players, only to drop my rifle and pick up a different gun once I get to the bunkers.
As an Allied player, sniper rifles on Omaha is a means to provide myself with cover rather than a frag-meter and hiding in or next to the Higgins Boats.
[This message has been edited by Stony (edited February 25, 2002).]