07-18-2004, 12:27 PM
Let me be clear on some things since the voting is going pretty much how I thought it would - and hell I'll take my turn on the block soon enough -
1. My goons? You sadly dont know how things operate here. I've never PM'd someone (except for ShagNasty I think, and I think I may have PM'd Buttocks - ), nor "rallied the troops". They hone in on your bs easily enough.
2. I dont have a single problem with someone "debating" politics, but when they are so clueless and uninformed as you seem to be about the deeper issues then we run into problems. You pointed out the minority issue, but god in heaven man what about EVERY OTHER POINT that was made that you either dismiss because you cant find a link contrary to the fact, or pull the emotional card. One argument started out arguing the FACTS and then - because you had nowhere to go - you drug it into the unarguable emotional area. You cannot rely on "the basics" when arguing the political system of our country when youre not from this country. I know nothing about Canadian politics (and dont care) and would not be so boastful to try and argue anything further than the merits of Canadian entertainers.
3. As others have said, its not that you talk politics, but you talk about it in the wrong damn threads. You say an inflammatory post and just expect noone to respond to it. Thats thread derailment pal, and as The Man Of Tomorrow said, that adds just another level of shit that aa.com has to shovel off itself.
4. The fact that you think someone is fudging with the numbers REALLY speaks volumes on your ability to rationalize your actions.