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Default 07-18-2004, 03:38 PM


Where I live now.

History of the City of Guelph's Official Crest
July 2, 2002

Guelph was founded on April 23, 1827, and officially became a town on January 1, 1856. The Town Council adopted a crest in readiness for Guelph’s proclamation as a city of April 23, 1879.
The original crest was unique. On the left side was an axeman standing beside a tree stump, representing John Galt’s ceremonial felling of a mighty tree to create Guelph. On the right side, Britannia, with gown, helmet and shield, represented Guelph’s links with the United Kingdom. She held a cornucopia containing the bounty of the rich soil of Guelph. In the centre, as Guelph’s arms, was a shield with the symbolic white running horse of Hanover, the ancient principality in Germany where the Guelph royal connections go back 1,000 years. On top, again representing Guelph’s link with the British Royal family, was the supposed Guelphic crown with a lion on it. The inscription was in Latin and read “Fides, Professio, Fidelitas

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