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[zErO]Cool is Offline
Posts: 48
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-27-2002, 01:11 AM

cheers guys! keep it coming! SPREAD THE WORD! ***for Flip TMT***: Ive tried and tried and tried to explain how annoying this is too you to the Nth degree and it seems like your taking his side, Ok flip I'm sure Ive said this already 1) The watermark is INVISIBLE and can only be revealed with a code (which I bought BTW) thats why I sent you a screenshot, I'm not as low as that Mo' Fo' I dont stoop to his level 2) even Mr Magoo can see that the files r IDENTICAL down to the last pixel with oR without a watermark. You told me to get some people to help me, here ya go! you could have stopped this mess along time ago when I told you what a dirty low cheat this guy is,but no. not only did you not stop him he works for you guys now! I never go without a fight and I'm just simply rounding up a fraction of the LOYAL warriors out there who can see when an injustice is being done. The guy is a cheat, a child and a thief and should have been publically announced as one! and BTW version 2 of 'his' mod is identical but a FRACTION darker

these people will help me do justice!

ps: I'm feeling a bit patriotic after that out burst, gonna go shoot some nazis!
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