02-26-2002, 06:01 AM
I feel at home, rifle lovers unite!!!!
Well anyway I have a special love for the M1 Garand and hope to purchase a working one someday too, but in the game I prefer to use the Mauser. I dont know why but I like the sound it has and it feels good to shoot someone from long range and have them get all mad about bein sniped untill you tell them it was a mauser w/o a scope. I piss my roomates off with that all tha time. I think the unscoped Mauser is better than the scoped version myself. Mabee thats just cuz I have a deep rooted hate for snipers. Ok I would go on more but I gotta go my Micro brew of the month Beers just arrived, Time to get Drunk!!!!!!!!!
Im goin sniper huntin 2day............where is my KAR98K,