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[BoB]-DOT is Offline
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Default 02-26-2002, 05:10 AM

You guys are all wrong. Lt. Dick Winters i remember you coming into my server and then left we were not invisible and yes we were "flying" but no it is not a mod or a cheat or has anythign to do with your ping this ping paranoia has gone too far if someone sees an other player and smoke comes out his ass they say it was because of ping when probably the dude just had some gas or he got a new buthole courtesy of a sniper!
well anyways back to the point this was probably my server you were in and all i do is alter the speed and gravity and that way when you hit a bump or a ramp of some sort you just FLOAT away not fly away. and i do it only when asked to. thats why i name the server "crouching sniper, hidden target" so that you know what to expect when you want to join.



"talk low, talk slow, snipe fast."-DOT
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