Originally Posted by Merlin122
Originally Posted by Pyro
Just leave again for good. I don't feel like seeing a little fucking emo im leaving cuz im pissed off at the boards and it isn't fun bullshit. go get dump by your girlfriend and cry a little more.
lighten the fuck up pyro, he's just a kid.
welcome back coheed.....change your name though
Just a kid who thinks his problems are worse than half of the rest of the fucking world. I doubt he had anything that could of happened that could put him to the brink of having to kill himself. Unless like your parents were killed right infront of you and you seriouslly had no one left to keep onliving or something. Or some really extreme circumstance. but this is probably just because he overblown a simple little problem that made him think life isn't worth living because hes some soult hat god is picking on.