Thread: bad weekend
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Default 07-27-2004, 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by "3/3 Marine":27d7d
Why didn't / don't you guys just use dummy terminals with a central server located somewhere else. It seems to me that you or your dad's business (whose ever it is) were a little careless with the sensative information you've been storing. Now with a server at an off site datacenter, this would've never happened and you wouldn't have to worry about people possibly looking at the information stored in these computer.

I'm sorry, but I cannot feel pity for you. Computer security should be the first and foremost important thing.....especially when you have credit card number and crap like that.
You have no idea how the business operates. The server is not for the website, and it is a server that is used for all the computers in the office, for the program that we use that we had someone make that took 2 years. Its not that simple to just have a server at a datacenter and you think you can have it that way. You cant. We had security, top of the line encryption, alarms, they cut the alarms. We were also planning on moving to a different location next september. Please, before you open your mouth ask before you speak.[/quote:27d7d]

nope Marine is right... offsite remote connectivity and productivity is a must with customer sensitive data. servers in datacenters aren't just for video games and websites buddy. thin client computing > yuo. and apparently so is redundancy.

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