07-29-2004, 12:31 PM
I am fairly smart and can bullshit my way through anything. I rarely studied, partied a few times a week, hung out .... I ended up with a 3.0 gpa after my first year. Not bad for not doing shit i should say. If you can easily retain info and find pursuading people easy, then college isn't too bad. Yes there is a lot of work involved, but don't forget to have fun.
As for stories ... there are too many.
-Having sex in the bottom bunk of a kids bed while my friend was in the top bunk.
-A beer some how fell right out of my pocket in front of the RA.
-Drinking 2 40oz in an hour and ended up waking up with a black eye.
-Throwing a whole tray of food on a cafeteria working. He yelp like a wounded dog.
-My friend pissed on his laptop in the middle of the night, thinking it was the bathroom.
...there are many more but i'm too lazy to type em.