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OFFICIAL car wrecks, breakdowns, etc. thread
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Default OFFICIAL car wrecks, breakdowns, etc. thread - 07-30-2004, 05:57 PM

post any 1337 car wrecks/fuckups youve had........

ok so i was driving to my moms in nj from philly---50 min or so

anyway so my car is a piece of shit 1987 toyota camry

i was getting off the expressway to merge onto the blue route (476-S)

my engine was making these banging noises like it was a fuckin shitty go-cart all the sudden, and i know i have like 15 secs left before my car dies so i pulled off the on-ramp in between the blue route and a 2 lane on ramp.....great spot, it looked like this:
|[] <--my car
476 S | \ the onramp
| \
| \

so im calling anyone i can since my parents are still on thier fuckin cruise on the mediterranean, and this van pulls up in front of my car

i thought they were there to help

IT WAS A VAN FULL OF MEXICANS WHO WANTED ME TO READ SOME DIRECTIONS FOR THEM....they were going the complete wrong way....good thing i spoke spanish or i might have been kidnapped

finally got my car and my ass the fuck off the highway, my engine is shot...can i get re-imbursed when i cancel my insurance?
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