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Unknown_Sniper is Offline
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Default 07-31-2004, 01:17 AM

I doubt youll get reimbursed by insurrance uness it is covered. Anyways its probably not worth fixing it.
Ill start with my first.
It was after a dance and I was driving a girl home. on my way back to my place this car in front of me was doing 25 in a 55 so I was pissed. It was late october remember. well I decided to pass the guy. I got on teh gas, my tires got no tration because I found out right then I was on top of 2 inches of ice. I spun went side ways at like 40mph corrected, a little too much, recorrected and ended up off the road. with 4lo and a pus hfro msome guys that stopepd I got out.
I fried my clutch ofroad trying ot get up an ice ledge on top of a mud hole.
I decided witer sucks for trucks.
stalled under water dizzy cap got wet dried out adn started up in liek 5 minutes.
Ive played bumper cars with with truck and lost my liscense plate somewhere in a swamp. Smashed my rear bumper on rocks, dented my gas tank. Craked a windshield because the truck in front of me did a brake stand in a rocky mud pit. dented my front bumper playing with trees rock:
and ya thats it really.
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