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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 07-31-2004, 12:08 PM

funny story, happend monday. i was out all sunday night, didnt get back home till around 4 and i was pretty messed up. around 8 am my sister wakes me up and is like "you have to take me to cheerleading practice" and im like wtf???! my mom calls and starts bitching me out so i get up grab my keys and luckily i had enough sense to grab my cell phone. im pissed because its about a 40 minute round trip drive to take her to where she practices and im pretty tired, my breath reaks of whiskey, and since i got up strait out of bed the only thing im wearing is very short running shorts, no shoes, nothing else. im not really hungover or feeling fucked up im just real tired....i get her to where she needs to go and start driving home, i get into a left turn lane, the light turns red and im the first car stopped in the left hand turn lane and about 5 other cars pull up behind me, im just sitting at the light listening to music when all of a sudden the music stops, and im like wtf??! i hit the power button and its not coming on...then i notice my check engine lights on and im like wtf im in neutral theres no way i stalled, i go to turn the car on and its fucking dead in the turn lane on a busy ass intersection first car dies and im blocking traffic the people behind me do nothing but bitch, dont even offer to help, im getting pretty pissed off cause my hazard lights wont even turn on. luckily a cop pulls up and is like whats the problem and i tell him my car died, and he has to call some other cops to block traffic so i can push my car to the side of the road. once i get it to the side i call my dad who has the aaa card and who said we'd try to jump the car before getting it towed and hes like ok ill be there in like 20 minutes. the cops just leave once i get to the side of the road, so im like not waiting outside my car on a busy intersection half i sit in my car and wait for my dad to get tired so i recline my seat and go to sleep. all of a sudden im woken up by a tapping on my window, i look over and theres a fire truck behind my car and firemen outside my window, i open the door and there like is everything ok??? im like ya my car died and im waiting on my dad to get here, there like why dont u have your hazard lights on?? and i explain to them they dont work...then i see the emt ambulance pull up and i get a 10 minute lecture on never staying in your car when it dies so they leave and im standing there on the side of a busy road half naked, its not that im embaressed i work out alot so im pretty muscular and in great shape i just didnt like getting honked at by old ladies and gay men, for some reason there arent any good looking girls on the road at 830 in the my dad finally gets there and im looking like a gay auto repair man when im hooking up the cables to jump the car, the cars still honk when they drive by followed by the occasional verbal gestures...but thank god all the car needed was a jump and it turned back on and i drove it home and went back to sleep, a wierd experience to say the least.
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