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Default 07-31-2004, 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
I think if all these idiots put more effort into fixing instead of critization wed be a lot farther than we are.
Roger that.

Stupid armchair quarterbacks. It still amazes me that we had all of this intelligence that weapons of mass destruction were there. President Clinton even believed they were there. Iraq is huge with desert everywhere, and because we haven't found anything after searching about 1% of the land area we are going to assume we were wrong. I'm not convinced yet that they won't find something. Sadam could have avoided all of this if he had not invaded Kuwat in the first place and/or acted like he was hiding something in the second.

But the thing that chaps my arse the most is asswipes like Michael Moore coming along two and a half years after 9/11 and saying that the split second decisions that were made by the police, firemen, military or even President Bush during the attack were wrong. What was he doing that day? Probably sitting at home crapping his pants. To make a big deal about President Bush spending "too many minutes" in that classroom is petty and unrealistic. I wonder how many minutes it took Michael Moore to realize what was happening that day? How long before he quit crapping his pants long enough to realize he had soiled himself?
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