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Default 08-01-2004, 09:06 AM

[quote="Short Hand":adb0a] but your description of Moore and what he did that day is wrong and aa bit low gor your usual class. He explained in the movie what he was doing.[/quote:adb0a]

LOL - you're probably right Short Hand. This is an emotional issue for me. I usually can see both sides of an issue but in this case I can't. I'm not sure whether there are any WMD's in Iraq or not but I don't believe the President lied about it. He is not the only guy in the world who thought there were. As for the guys being "tortured" that doesn't necessarily prove anything unless you have the guys who actually know something. All I'm saying is that we went through several years of WWII before we ever found an extermination camp. In this modern world of instant information nobody seems to have much patience anymore. Let's wait and let history decide if we were right. Let's quit worrying about whether we were right to go and start worrying about how we end this thing.

I have not seen the Moore movie so I cannot comment on it's contents. My frustration comes from statements made to the press by Moore, and others, concerning how people acted that day. If you are investigating what went wrong with our our procedures, so that we can train our people to react differently the next time, that is one thing. But, it seems to me that all of these inquiries are malicious and intend to accuse, blame and ridicule good people for their weell-intended actions. So President Bush was in that classroom for seven minutes after the second attack. So what? Would it change anything if he had left in seven seconds? No. Do we want a leader who trusts the people under him enough that he can remain calm in that situation, or do we want a guy that runs screaming from the room in fear? It just irritates me that something as small as what the President did for seven minutes is being nitpicked over. How many minutes passed when the Japanese started dropping bombs on Pearl before we knew we were under attack? Guys reported seeing the bombs fall and they thought it was some weird training mission. And they were there! My point is, you don't know how you would react unless you were in that persons shoes. To come back later and second guess them is counterproductive if it is done in a malicious way. But this seems to be OK in today's society. We have no respect for our leaders or each other. It just gets real frustrating for old coots like me. Ever since Woodward and Bernstein got famous every reporter wants to be the one to get the next big scoop and make a name for himself, regardless of what he does to the lives of the people involved. It didn't used to be that way and it makes me sick,
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