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Default 08-01-2004, 10:47 AM

As I understand...

Once you are ready to jump online and test your skills, first thing you will want to do is set up what type of solider you are going to be. As a member of the Joint-Ops you can be a soldier from the US, Great Britain, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, Russia, and even lovely France. When you choose the US, there are eight different selections for what member of the service you wish to be and they comprise of being a Seal, Force Recon, Ranger, Green Beret, USMC, Scout-Sniper, Pilot, and USAF Combat Operator. Great Britain has the choice of either Royal Marine or SAS and all the others have only one type of military to choose from. On the Rebel side, which is in fact Indonesian Rebels, you can choose from Rebel Militia, Ex-Military, Mercenary, and Rebel Pilot...

Now that you have selected who you are fighting for, it’s time to select what class of soldier you will be. Each one has the same classes to select from and those are medics, snipers, gunners, riflemen, and engineers. The class you pick will dictate what your role will be and vary the different weapons, accessories, and grenades that you can carry...

Now that you are in, it is time to explain the different game modes. There are Co-op games, Advance and Secure (AS), Team Deathmatch (TDM), and Team King of the Hill (TKOTH). Since Team Deathmatch is self explanatory and well known these days, let’s take a look at these other modes. ... 1,917.html

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