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Default 08-01-2004, 06:21 PM

I like Bill O'Reilly, he says what he wants without fear of upsetting others. He's more in line of my beliefs.

As for Moore and his movies, he's entitled to his opinion but....anyone can skew the facts. Anything can be turned into a conspiracy (JFK's death, Moon landing, TWA flight 800, Holucast, Pearl Harbor, 9/11...etc, etc) I believe there was WMD in Iraq but were either hidden or shipped out of the country before the war. Hell, we gave them plenty of time and they even knew what day an invasion would happen. Anytime you invade ones country, it's cause for concern and controversy. Believe me, i don't like the fact that most of the other countries in the world despise the U.S., many believe we're killing machines who somehow deserve 9/11, and alot of citizens are divided over the issue and it's causing friction within. but....'s something that needed to be done. There are a ton of good reasons not to go to war but unfortunately, there were more important reasons to do so. It's a tough situation for everyone.

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