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Default 02-27-2002, 06:49 AM

I'll be honest. Before MOH:AA, I was playing the Delta Force series (all) since pre 99. The game has gone the way of cheaters and no developer support and I have and better interest now.

The one nice thing about Delta Force was. Every Delta Force MP I’ve played (and I’ve played a lot) we always gave a GG (good game) or GGA (good game all) at the beginning of the next game. I have not once seen this in MOHAA MP. Not a single compliment, or even a gs (good shot)
What is up with this. Everyone talks about this being a team game, but know one ever acts like a team.

My biggest asset in Delta Force was to "Communicate with your teammates". I have tried this in MOH but know one seems to listen or give thanks when I warn then about a bad guy around the corner from them.

Hey, Let try something. Next time you’re in a game give a GG or GGA at the beginning of the next game. Maybe we can start something here.

I don't know what good this will do, but I feel better now, that I vented.
Thanks for listening guys/gals.

Not so Rude,

Not so Rude
- Rudedog
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