08-03-2004, 01:27 AM
Tap water tastes better, and doesnt cost a dollar or so a bottle.
There is very little to no difference in actual biological purity of tap and botteled water, just a taste and harmless mineral difference.
its all bullshit about how much better bottled water is, they just filter out some harmless minerals and charge you out the ass.
but people still buy it...
even if there was a slightly lower bacterial count in bottled water, (which there may be, depending on where you live), ask any doctor, theres 99.9% that it wont ever hurt you, but without any weak bacteria an immune system gets weak, leaving it open for more dangerous viruses.
thats why immune systems are getting weak in children...
also, coke causing acne is total BS, seriously, it has nothing to do w/ what you drink, a few dilusional scientists have an unsupported theory that milk and soda cause acne, that the rest of the dermatoligy field knows is total BS.