08-03-2004, 10:28 PM
Ok, time for Uncle KTOG to chime in with his economic policies and crap. Some might say "We might be in debt, but i don't really notice a change"
The national debt can be called a hidden killer. Lets say you have a friend (lets name him America) that bought a car (war in iraq). This car just sent him over his credit limit and is now in bad debt (national debt). There is no way for him get money for this unless he bums it from his friends (taxes or inflation). He has a job that brings in money (business and public funding) but there is obviously no way of him increasing these. He either has the choice of getting a loan (borrow money increasing national interest rates), bum it from his friends and pay it back later interest free (increase taxes, no interest and pay back through tax refunds), or do nothing and let the credit build up and eventually through him into bankruptcy (national ruin due to increased interest rates, increase money supply, and loss of foreign trade).
So why is this not a problem?
the shades are on cool: