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Default 03-02-2002, 08:21 AM

Teamwork does go on I know I do it .. I have a few friends and we arrange to meet on a particular server and we join picking the team that needs the numbers and we play..we do use RW and although new to the game we are learning nad learning fast just how to dominate games .. just two of us can... without any underhand tricks (spectator mode viewing after a death) get some great satifaction from playing the game in a coordinated and structured way using stealth and tactical awareness as well as "oh fek time to go for it all guns blazing" ..we have fun we rarely camp and we never use rockets .. nades are a weapon that has its uses and its places as to all the weapons available..
So if you see me in a server and you want to try some teamwork just give me a yell ..
I have also noticed that more and more total strangers are working as fire teams in the Snowy Park working a 180 degree arc while a buddy does the other 180 deg is fun also as soon as u engage he can bring his weapon to bare... and visa versa ... so do not moan about lack of teamwork look for it hell ask for it .. it.. like the truth is out there !!! lol but have fun guys its a great game with lots of scope to become better
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