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Default 08-05-2004, 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by NexusRevived
has anyone encountered the skeleton with the rocket launchers yet? i wonder how that is introduced ed:
Yea. I think they come right before the first monorail mission. There one of the hardest enemies up to that point. You walk into a room and it goes into the animated sequence and you just see one of them standing like 30 feet away from you and he screams at you and thats pretty much it. Then he starts firing rockets after the movie is over. Also has anyone got up to the second monorail part? The one where you actually get into the monorail and you meet that dude that was waiting for his buddy and when you pull into the station he stays inside the train. You have to fight these new enemies and they look like suped up WWII soldiers(they wear old style helmets). But anyway when you go into the office upstairs there you need the code to unlock the air seal but they never give it to you and ive been stuck there looking for an alternate route or anything and there is nothing. Anybody gotten past this part?
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