08-05-2004, 10:34 PM
Awesome thanks guys.
I'm suprised it runs/looks so good on my system. (well to me anyway.)
It looks pretty good on any resolution. Thats cool because on a lot of games if you don't play 1024X768 it looks like shit. I'm playing on 800X600 and it's great. I have the settings on high, and i'm getting 15-40 fps. I don't really see a change in FPS between low and high setting, nor do I see much change in detail. Maybe thats because i'm concentrating on blasting guys.
AMD XP 1600+ 1.4ghz
512mb DDR PC2100 RAM
MSI GF FX 5600 256mb
I haven't tried the game on 1024, but I may just to see how it goes. I'm pretty sure it won't do to well, but thats OK. I'm fine with 800.
I've overheated a couple times. I have the side panel off as I always do since i'm it gets so hot in my room. I guess I just have that effect on people/things. I added a regular fan to the side to blow some air in there. happy: Forgot to turn it on, and the computer restarted along with this message, so this is the second time i've typed this.
As for the game i'm on Alpha Lab 3 I believe, or whever you find the chaingun. That things pretty sweet. Can cut through anything. I hate those bloody spiders though. They jump and their hard to hit when they do that. First time an imp jumped at me i nearly had a heart attack. It was crazy cool. I also like that enemies come from all over. Not just waiting for you around the corner. They come from behingd, the floor, the ceiling. And the noises they make...you can hear them and know they are up there.
The thing I have issue with is the flashlight. As the guy in the gamespot article said, it's too bad they don't have flashlights to attach to weapons in teh future. Sometimes its really dark and you can't see shit. I know it adds to the atmosphere, but its a pain in the ass to kill people/monsters.
Thats all I ahve to say for now.
800X600 Low Settings: