[quote="Pick Axe":1f02f]
Originally Posted by KTOG
Bah, most of this thread is garbage. There are few peoples thoughts that i respect when it comes to politics and only a couple have put their 2 cents in, the rest is just spam.
Including yours. Hell, half of this forum is spam, no 3/4s.
[quote:1f02f]Abortion is not murder to me, unless it is done in the third trimester. Where do you draw that line though? [/quote:1f02f]
But, a baby in the second trimester could live and breath in mere months.
[quote:1f02f]If you take it far enough, you'll be saying that everytime a woman has her period, she'll be commiting murder.
That's just fucking ignorant. That's like saying you're killing a chicken every time you crack open a fresh, un developed egg. But, what if you cracked open a egg with a half-formed chick in it? You would be killing something that could become a living being.
Undeveloped or not, it is a living and growing thing. In mere months, it can be fertilized and hatch into a chick.
[quote:1f02f]I'm pretty sure you dropped a couple living organisms when you took a shit last night.[/quote:1f02f]
There is a huge difference between a living "organism" and a living "being". The microbes in my shit are not intelligent life forms.
So this "life is sacred" mindset of yours is a selective process? You can choose what you want to live, and kill the rest. What a sweet fucking deal you made yourself.
[quote:1f02f] It's the woman's body, and it's the woman's money. We could use those aborted fetuses for scientific research too.[/quote:1f02f]
It is NOT her body, dammit. It is a living being. As far as money goes, we have wellfare and shit, and she could always have the child adopted, which would not only save a life, but there are tons of couples out there waiting for a child to adopt.
How the bitch got knocked up is irrelevent. She was given the ability to create life, and she can take it back. A living being the fetus is, of course, but so is a malignant tumour. Yet you want those gone straight-away. Fuck this pro-life bullshit, if it's one less mouth my taxes has to feed, then let it happen. Couples who are unable to have children of their own can adopt a troubled teenager for all I care. Shit, skip the changing diapar phase altogether.
Stem cell reasearch? There's no proof that it would even work. And besides, would it really be worth it to kill a baby so that some 80 year old with Alzimers (sp?) can be helped out.
Stem-cell research can save many things if it is given a chance, and if not, oh well. It's not like we're performing this research on live babies. I think the 80 year old lady with Alziemer's should be helped if she can afford it, and she's more important to me than some unwanted growth in a woman's body.
Pick-axe, when you've gone through labour pains, tried to raise a couple kids in a one bedroom apartment being paid for with your minimum wage job at Wegman's, then I'll be happy to listen to what you have to say about abortion.