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Inertia is Offline
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Posts: 193
Join Date: May 2004
Default 08-09-2004, 09:43 AM

Abortion is a touchy subject, no doubt.

Personally I can see certain reasons for abortions, but for the most part I believe that parents have a responsibility to their children born or not.

On the subject of Stem Cell research...

There is no cause to stop this reasearch other than some peoples dilutions about tinkering in gods kitchen. I guess some people simply have seen to many movies, or believe that the set laws of religion from 3000 years ago hold 100% today.

The benifits of this medical breakthrough are the first steps towards the cures to the plagues of humanity, and the future of repairing the human body.
Combined with proven cloning technology, the cost in life would be none... but the benifit would change the course of human existance.

I see a limitless horizon here guys, we are not just talking about Cancer or Brain and Spinal diseases...all of which are incurable at current. We are also talking about limb regeneration, organ regeneration, burn victoms, retardation remedies, elimination of genetic defects and impurities, bio-defence, and a deeper understanding of the human brain and it's abillities.

Regardless of your political spectrum, this is the single most important research of our time.
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